Free Download of Blue Christmas

Happy Holidays! The song, “Blue Christmas,” is a holiday classic, and one of my favorites. Both my dad and I are Elvis fans, and being able to have my dad (who was a National Chromatic Harmonica Champion back in the day) record in the studio with me and play harmonica in the music video was a real treat.

We shot the music video throughout the beauty that is Utah. From The Shops at Riverwoods, to Sundance, to Deer Valley, we covered a lot of territory and had a great time all along the way. My mom (who worked in the movie industry as a makeup artist) filmed the video, so it was a real family affair. So grateful for the love and support of my family, friends and fans.

Christmas is a time for giving, and I want to give “Blue Christmas” to you for free! CLICK HERE to get your free copy!

Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!